Streetcode is building
tech entrepreneurs through
a sustainable venture studio
starting in february 2021.
Accelerator 2021
Kwanza Price
Menlo Park, CA by way of Washington, DC.

Idea Theme
Crowd-sourced reviews
What advice do you have for the next generation of leaders?
Find a network who can support your dreams and get into a structured program like Streetcode's accelerator to help keep you accountable. I do a fair amount of reading (books, business journals, ect.) to increase my knowledge about various topics, but without structure, I get lost. In addition, I don't have any experience launching or running a company. An accelerator program like that offered by Streetcode resolves these issues for me -- it provides the coaching and the network I'll need to build the skill set and resilience to launch a business for the first time. An added benefit is that so many people in the program look like me -- a rare find here in the Bay Area and especially on the peninsula.
What are some of your entrepreneurial aspirations?
I want to build a business withs a strong social impact embedded in its purpose. So I'm not just about profit although I believe wealth creation is essential for advancement of the Black community. Right now, I'm focused on helping Blacks find companies where they can thrive and grow in their careers, free from discrinimination and bias. The vision is no Black employee left behind. I can see myself expanding to other growth areas in the future. One interest of mine, for example, is Artificial Intelligence and algorithmic justice. I'm also very interested in educational equity. For pure fun, I'd love to get into art or beauty & fashion. So my interests are very eclectic but all centered on advancing the Black community and challenging the status quo.

Ete-kamba Amaku
East Oakland, California

Idea Theme
Scheduling Software
What advice do you have for the next generation of leaders?
Be coachable and follow a system. No one is necessarily smarter than you. They simply have access to information and people that you don't, and have a willingness to develop themselves. Instead of trying 100 skills and seeing what sticks, try 1 skill, developing that, and mastering it. The world values mastery over jack-of-all-trades.
What are some of your entrepreneurial aspirations?
To optimize the health of myself and my community through teaching, business education, and unlocking the genius within our DNA. I believe everyone can be a business owner, and learn the importance of trading value, personal growth, and time investment.

Liliana Reyes-Avalos & Brenda Flores-Reyes
Castro Valley, California by Way of Tlaxcala, Mexico

Idea Theme
Homecare App
Why do you want to be an entrepreneur? Which entrepreneurs (famous or not) do you admire and why?
I have been a small business owner in the Bay Area for the last 20 years doing house cleaning. With everything happening I see the importance of making shifts in my business especially if I want my business to survive. I admire Sarahi Salamanca. She is a leader and does incredible work that makes a positive impact in people’s lives. She inspires me to work towards my dreams and support my family along the way. She does the thing she loves the most!
Briefly describe what qualities you have that will help you succeed as a business owner.
I always put my clients first and I truly value them because without them I wouldn't have a job. But I value my team more! The people who help me run my business are like family. We all work together. I am a person who never gives up and puts my heart into my work. I believe that as a business owner one needs to be selfless but focused all at the same time.

Myeshia Jefferson
Hayward, California by way of Oakland, California

Idea Theme
Beauty, Spa & Wellness
Briefly describe what qualities you have that will help you succeed as a business owner.
Hustle, drive, ambition, self-starter, inspiring, and a giver. These qualities help me succeed as a business owner because I will not stop or quit when things get tough or don’t go my way. I will just reinvent myself, shift my idea or business and continue with the plan to succeed.
What advice do you have for the next generation of leaders?
My advice for the next generation of leaders is to not be so impressed by the money because money comes and goes. Be more invested in building human capital. When you invest in yourself and others, the return can be greater than you can ever imagine. People can take you places money can’t buy and it’s not always about who you know as much as it is about who knows you. Let people get to know you and share your story. You could help change someone’s life.

Tiarra Logan
San Francisco, California

Idea Theme
Hair & Beauty
Why do you want to be an entrepreneur? Which entrepreneurs (famous or not) do you admire and why?
My father Gaylon Logan inspired/ inspires me to be an entrepreneur. I enjoy being creative and having no cap on my ability to grow.
What advice do you have for the next generation of leaders?
If I could offer the next generation of geniuses words of advice it would be Find your team and grow! “Go alone and move quickly, Go together and go far” While we are taught that individuality is the only way, we must also remember we don’t know everything. Allowing myself an opportunity to learn from others and build great ideas with other like-minded individuals is the key to true success. My aspirations in life are to teach and remind those going through challenges to be kind and gentle with yourself by teaching self acceptance and self love. These tools are taught through my braid camp trainings and help many people starting with their beautiful hair.

Alicia Mckean
East Palo Alto, California

Idea Theme
Why do you want to be an entrepreneur? Which entrepreneurs (famous or not) do you admire and why?
I am going to be an entrepreneur because I am creating another income for my family and I. I hoping to start a business with my children that I can pass down to them but also be able to teach them about financial literacy and business. I would love to give my children a first row seat to having an idea and then turning it into a business. An entrepreneur that I admire is Rihanna because of the mission of her brand. I love the causes FentyBeauty and FentySkin support as well as highlighting women power.
What advice do you have for the next generation of leaders?
Some advice that I would have for the next generation of leaders is to start your business if you only truly believe in yourself and your product/service. Remind yourself as often as you have to that if starting a business was easy, everyone would be doing it and have patience with yourself. You will stand out from others by the amount of work you put into your business. Before you spend money on design, logos, websites, and supplies, create your business plan. Invest a lot of time in reading and researching about marketing and branding and understand that marketing and branding are not the same.

Eboni Ajayi
Atlanta, Georgia by way of Waterloo, Iowa

Idea Theme
Self-Care & Body Essentials
Why do you want to be an entrepreneur? Which entrepreneurs (famous or not) do you admire and why?
I want to be an entrepreneur to ultimately secure life-long profitable self-employment to be able to invest in my family, my community, and in forward-thinking technology. I admire any entrepreneurs who established legacies for generations of their families to be supported.
What are some of your entrepreneurial aspirations?
Like most young entrepreneurs, my first and foremost goal is to create a self-sustaining economic empowerment and to be able to foster a creative space to expand on new ideas and continue product innovation. My further goals are to set the foundation of a system that doesn’t just take care of myself and my family, but also for those sensitive populations of people who have routinely been kept from elevating and investing in their own families and communities as well. I plan to do this by supporting, investing in, and engaging with outstandingly creative individuals within my community to find practical, long-term solutions to solve persistent problems that affect these sensitive communities.

Stephanie Robinson
East Palo Alto, California

Idea Theme
Health & Wellness Products
What advice do you have for the next generation of leaders?
Effective communication is imperative, making sure that you are understood along with the importance of listening. Great interpersonal skills and how you lead others, commitment to change and continuous improvement with good critical judgment and common sense. If you are in a position to mentor others, please do so. If your mentoring leaves an impression it is in the hopes that someday that person(s) will in turn will mentor others.
What are some of your entrepreneurial aspirations?
To increase my Internet presence, continually seek out like-minded individuals. Find tools to streamline my processes along with making time for personal growth and learning.

Aaliyah Sanders
Mountain View, California

Idea Theme
Art e-commerce
Why do you want to be an entrepreneur?
I want to be an entrepreneur because I have always been interested in starting my own business where I can do what I love and share it with others. Ive always been told its really hard to be a successful entrepreneur but im always up for a challenge and have confidence in myself in my abilities, especially with the right advice and guidance! Multiple members of my family are entrepreneurs and seeing them work so hard really inspires me. I also have friends my age starting their own businesses which really made me believe that I could do it at this age too.
What do you hope to get out of the program?
One of my aspirations through this whole process is to have fun! I want to make a profit and be successful while having fun so that it never really feels like I'm working, more of just sharing my passion! I hope to gain more information and insight as I go that will allow me to further my experiences on my own.

Curtis Walker
East Palo Alto, California

Idea Theme
Grooming Products
Briefly describe what qualities you have that will help you succeed as a business owner.
Qualities are that I work in the field I'm trying to sell in and also a very good people person. I'm down for any idea to help the business grow into what I know it can be. I'm not a “my way or the highway” type of person pretty good at finding median when it comes to getting goals.
What do you hope to get out of the program?
What I hope to get out of this program is the know-how and networking skills and connections on how to get my idea out of my head, unto paper, and into a manufacturing building and into clients hands. In layman's terms, get some more money for me and my family.

Kuu Sanford
East Palo Alto, California

Idea Theme
What advice do you have for the next generation of leaders?
Spend a lot of time learning about yourself - trying new things, reflecting on the things you like and don’t like. Be conscious of the people you surround yourself with, are they uplifting, honest, inspiring? When we reflect on the reality of our “now", we are able to create change for the future. Be fearless in trying new things, as be aware of the things that feel good and don’t and soon you will be able to adjust and add your own personality to all that you pursue.
What are some of your entrepreneurial aspirations?
I’d like to build The Mentor Collection to where it creates impact for those who buy our clothes, as well as lasting impact within the community I am building. I want to partner with impactful brands whose mission aligns with our want to empower millions of people to become their best and highest self through fashion, tech, and community. I am creating a space for myself where dreaming big is the norm, and impact and positive change are the outcomes of a company built on intention, empowerment, and giving back to our community. Through fashion and an engaging, interactive app, I plan to positively reinforce investing in one’s self and others.

About the Accelerator
The Accelerator is a 3-month long program designed to engage motivated entrepreneurs to achieve targeted milestones and pitch their startups to top VCs. Accelerator participants will learn Lean Startup methodology and gain invaluable hands-on experience and feedback that will fast track their entrepreneurial endeavors.
How can you support?
$1,000 Workshop Facilitator
Support the monthly workshops that allow us to host fireside chats or panels with leadership teams, entrepreneurs, and other speaking engagements.
$10,000 Demo Day Enabler
Contribute to the culminating event of the Accelerator, where our EIRs pitch their startups to a group of VCs and Angel Investors.
$5,000 Entrepreneurs Sponsor
Help fund our aspiring entrepreneurs through product development, market research & validation. Your matching donations are tax-deductible.
$20,000 Start-Up Prize Funder
Pitch into the competitive Investments prize pool— to be divided between the top 3 projects to help them to launch their businesses