Partnership form Thank you for your interest in partnering with us. We appreciate you taking the time to share your vision and gifts with our community.We have a wide array of programs and opportunities that range from speaking engagements, hosting workshops, to providing laptops & tech support. Please fill out the required spaces below & we will contact you upon submission!What is your relationship to StreetCode?(Required) I am with a company/organization I am an employee of StreetCode completing this form on behalf of an organization. OtherName(Required) First Last Email(Required) Name of Company/Organization(Required)In what city is your company/organization located?(Required)Company/organization's websiteWhat industry is your company/organization in?(Required) Tech Education Non-Profit Sports Music Media Outlet (TV, film, newspaper, podcast. etc.) OtherHave you partnered with StreetCode before?(Required) Yes NoWhich opportunity are you interested in? Huddle Ups Town Halls SC in 60 secs Classes Content Vault Pop-ups Level-Up Exposureships Accelerator OtherWhat would StreetCode's role be in this partnership? What would StreetCode need to provide?(Required)Which of StreetCode's five goals interests you in sharing topics/knowledge with our Huddle Up audience?(Required) 100% of EPA: Help make technology more accessible to all East Palo Alto/ Belle Haven residents. Build the Model: Develop a sustainable model that can be implemented locally across the globe. Launch Digital: Expand the programs' capacity and reach through a variety of digital services. Location: Assist in establishing a permanent location for our programs. Level Up Initiative: Help destroy barriers to equity and provide 2,500 laptops, internet, and free tech education to students who need it. OtherUntitledIdeally, when would you like this partnership activity to take place?(Required) Immediately (next 2-3 weeks) Winter Quarter (January - March) Spring Quarter (April - June) Summer Quarter (July - September) Fall Quarter (October - December)Please provide any additional information you would like us to know.Δ